2021 - A year of growth and change

I’m sitting here in front of my laptop trying to find the right words to describe 2021. So much happened both inward and outward. As you know, the world has been in the throws of a pandemic since March 2020 and as a history major in university I read about these things but never thought I would be alive to witness one. It has been the toughest couple years of my life, as I am sure it has been for you too. Amidst it all so many wonderful and exciting things have happened.

2021 brought me an abundance of gratitude for the people in my life that continue to support me as an artist, mother and woman. I have been able to fulfill many lifelong dreams over the last year as well. I finally completed my degree in fine art which has meant so much to me. My love for art history and theory drove me to pursue part-time studies almost a decade ago. After years of blood, sweat and tears I finally graduated in June 2021. Yay me!!

In addition to that I worked with my friends at The Colour Farm to create some really beautiful watercolour floral art. It was so rewarding to be a part of the process of painting such beautiful flowers. Plants and animals are some of my favourite subjects so this was a real treat.

As I mentioned in my last blog post I got to create, film and facilitate a beginner art workshop for the folks at Art Fix Nipissing. Such an honour to help guide new and emerging painters. I had always wanted to teach art when I was younger so this was a really rewarding.

2021 also bought me many other commissions and opportunities and some really exciting projects to come in 2022. Murals, large scale paintings, maybe even illustrating a book are all on the table if the stars align! I grew so much through all the changes 2021 presented. Not only as an artist, but as a person. I learned I am stronger than I think and that I am capable of doing things that scare me. I’ve shed the cloak of imposter syndrome and I am moving forward embracing my gifts, so that I can share them with you and become the person I was meant to be.

Thank you to everyone that has supported me over the last year. Means so much to know I have such wonderful friends and clients in my corner. All of my victories big and small would not have been possible without you cheering me on. So thank you from the bottom of my heart!! Onward my friends.

Yours in art, Bridgette