Creative Block


It’s inevitable, you’re gonna hit a creative block at some point in your life. So how do you get over the hump? Plow through it is my suggestion. There have been times when I feel stuck, stale, bored, uninspired, you name it, but I work through it. So what if the art I make during that time isn’t “great,” it’s still an attempt to create. If you stick with it an incredible thing happens eventually and the block becomes fuel for exploration, innovation and imagination.

I’m sure you can read/listen to a number of experts talk about creative block in more professional terms but as a creative person, I can attest to the frustrations of trying to get out of the preverbal rut. Some other techniques I find help are looking at things from a different perspective. I mean flip the damn image upside down! Our brain can trick us sometimes so flipping the image can help you read it in an entirely unique way. I try to do this frequently when i'm working on a painting or drawing and can’t seem to make any progress on the work.

Doing some physical activity can also help get those creative juices flowing! Turn on some music and dance around, jump up and move fast and then slow, take a vigorous walk around the block. Whatever it is you decide on just make sure you get that blood pumping! It’s crazy how a change in energy can create new perspectives. Again, there’s probably some great books on that topic.

In short, there isn’t one way to solve the creative block but I really do think that the more you push through it and keep painting or drawing or photographing or whatever, you will hit this point of incredible growth and forward momentum artistically. Good luck and hope you try some of these tips next time you feel uninspired.